Why We Ride

Team IRON EAGLES is a group of friends and family dedicated to fighting Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We join forces to raise money for the NATIONAL MS SOCIETY to support the great PROGRAMS they have available to help members of the community and to support the exciting RESEARCH being done in the field. We blog about why we ride, our experiences at fundraising events, our fundraisers and training tips. We also have links to information on MS and MS research. JOIN US!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

BikeMS 2024

 BikeMS 2024

Choosing to Fly

Every year that I ride BikeMS there always seems to be something that reminds me of what a  blessing it is to have a healthy body. Pictured above is Marianne at the evening event. She was given an award and read an essay that she wrote. Here is an abbreviated version of the essay she read -- Choosing to Fly  I would highly recommend reading it and other essays in the Why I Ride section of this blog. It was a good reminder of why we ride. I often forget how much Marianne has struggled and continues to struggle with MS. Hyaubsa!

Yellow Bib

Another reminder came on the first leg of the ride. Remember a few years ago when I met a guy on the route who was riding a hand pedal bike? He has MS and he was one of the top 150 fundraisers. One of the yellow bibs. He always rides just to the first rest stop and back. I regretted that I never got his name. I saw him again this year. Again he was wearing a yellow bib. I slowed down to bike with him and I asked his name. His name is Gordon aka Gordy. He bikes with team WinCo. He had a new bike this year. Still hand powered. Just shorter and a little higher up so it's easier for him to get in and out. Anyhow. I am glad to finally know his name :-) I saw Gordy again at the evening event. He was modeling his team's jersey for the jersey contest. I was amazed at his ability to laugh and enjoy life in spite of his obvious challenges with MS. His team's jersey didn't win but he is a winner in my book! 

Ok.  Let's talk about this year's ride :-)

If ye are prepared ye need not fear... 

The kids young adults outside of Sunrise Cyclery

We really need to ride more than once or twice a year. That would not only get us in better shape it would remind us what a good idea it is to get our bikes tuned up at least once a year (before BikeMS!). And it might help us remember everything we need for the bike ride :-)

This year Bill forgot his cycling shoes. He has the cool clip-in pedals that require the fancy shoes. So we stopped at a bike store in Logan. Sunrise Cyclery. Very cool little shop. The big ball pictured above is made up of old tubes and the seat Sarah is sitting on is made of tires. That was kind of fun. Bill was going to pick up a new pair of cycling shoes but the only ones they had cost over $200. Bill said they were super comfortable. I'm sure they were very nice. I was silently relieved though when he chose to not buy the shoes. Instead he bought new pedals. Considerably cheaper! 

On the ride Matthew's tire gave out and he needed a new tube. Thank you SAG support people! And then at Newton Sarah's bike gears needed some love. Thank you rest stop mechanics! My resolution for next year is to get our bikes tuned before BikeMS! Or maybe we should just rent those super cool ebikes for everyone. I LOVE ebikes. This year I rented one from Outdoors Unlimited in Provo. 

The Riders

Here is the iconic team picture in Lisa's driveway. This year's picture made me laugh. Zoom into me and Marianne. Doesn't it look like Reid's arm is my arm? Looks super strange to me :-) Made me laugh.

We get this picture every year. We need a picture of Scott. Scott has been the designated driveway team picture taker for many many years. Next year we should bring a tripod and do the remote picture thing so Scott can be in the picture. I asked Scott if he would ever ride with us. He said yes. Hopefully next year! 

Notice the new jerseys Bill, Matthew, Annalisa, Sarah and EL are wearing. They were selling jerseys at registration. $10 each! Pretty cool. Bill got the one with the most orange so he will be visible to cars :-)


My yearly attempt to channel my inner team captain. I said one or two impromptu, encouraging words, people squirmed uncomfortably wishing for me to stop talking and then we did the hands in the middle thing and yelled Hyabusa. One of these years I am going to remember to prepare for this inspirational moment and it's going to knock your socks off!  :-)

First Rest Stop, twice

And we're off! Here is a picture of Marianne, EL and Sarah at the wrong rest stop. The signage this year was rather unfortunate. The colors for the routes on the map at the fairgrounds were different from the arrows on the route pointing the way. For instance the 100 mile route on the map was marked green but on the route the green arrows didn't point to the 100 mile route they pointed to the 43 mile route. And the arrows didn't have numbers on them saying which route was which so it was a bit confusing. Marianne, EL and Sarah were the last ones to right first rest stop but not by much. Remember Matthew's tube problem? It needed to be replaced. It wouldn't hold air. That took time, so Matthew and Bill also took a while to get to the rest stop. 

The rest of us enjoyed a very pleasant rest at the first rest stop. We talked to a man who is caring for his wife who has Alzheimer's. Reminded me of dad. His team cooks dutch oven cobbler and sells it to raise money for BikeMS. We will definitely be looking for them and their cobbler next year! And we talked with a man who was recovering from brain surgery. We also ate a lot of snacks :-)

Rest Stop #2, Newton

Swedish Fish! Yum!

Pickle juice! Yum?

Marianne found her mission moment at Newton rest stop.

At different rest stops and places at BikeMS there are Mission Moments. People with MS telling their story. This one is Marianne's story. Check it out! Turns out that the other mission moment at that rest stop belonged to a rider that happened to be there at the same time!

The Finishing up

Newton is the decision rest stop. The past few years we've simply gone to Newton and then the team splits up. We have the 30 milers and the 43 milers. The 43 milers do the loop around Newton and head back and the 30 milers simply head back to the fairgrounds at the Newton rest stop. This year Bill, Matthew and Annalisa decided to do the 43 mile route. The rest of us opted for 30.

At the finish line. 43 miles!

Made it! 43 miles. 

We didn't get a lot of pictures at the finish line. Joseph and Isaac went 43 miles too. They left before us and finished before us. Everyone else did the 30 mile route. Yay for the finish line! :-) 


We were running a bit late because we stayed for the evening event. It was tempting to go straight home but how could we skip out on Aggie Ice Cream?

I need to work on my photography skills. Next time I will get all of Matthew in the photo. Notice though that I did get all of the cow :-)

Bill's picture got the kids but cut off the cow face. And he gave Matthew an oddly yellow arm and an earring?

Thanks again to everyone who supports us every year! Thanks to those of you who ride, those who donate, those who cheer, and those who just simply read this blog. 

Next year 75 miles and on my own ebike! Woohoo! Come join us!!

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