Why We Ride

Team IRON EAGLES is a group of friends and family dedicated to fighting Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We join forces to raise money for the NATIONAL MS SOCIETY to support the great PROGRAMS they have available to help members of the community and to support the exciting RESEARCH being done in the field. We blog about why we ride, our experiences at fundraising events, our fundraisers and training tips. We also have links to information on MS and MS research. JOIN US!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Pepto and Bismol

We have two new team members!  Their names are Pepto and Bismol and they are bright pink gumball machines that live in the Springville Walmart entrances.  The reason for their names is because "oh what a relief it is" to have a steady revenue stream for our team!  (well, also, because they are Pepto Bismol pink)  We already have two gumball machines placed in American Fork and Logan and we are finding that gumballs are a wonderful way to raise funds (so long as you can get them placed well!).  Gumball machines are all about volume.  If a certain percentage of the people who see a gumball machine want to buy one then the more people you have passing your machine, the more gumballs you will sell.  A lot of people walk through the doors at Walmart so we are hoping this will translate to lots of $$.  Fingers crossed!

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