Why We Ride

Team IRON EAGLES is a group of friends and family dedicated to fighting Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We join forces to raise money for the NATIONAL MS SOCIETY to support the great PROGRAMS they have available to help members of the community and to support the exciting RESEARCH being done in the field. We blog about why we ride, our experiences at fundraising events, our fundraisers and training tips. We also have links to information on MS and MS research. JOIN US!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Feeling The Love :-)

I just got the sweetest reply to my letter to the Bad Ass Coffee Company regarding how much we LOVED their volunteers at the Bike MS ride in June. I'll try to get it scanned so you can see the pictures but here is what they said:

"Dear Marianne

Thank you so much for the wonderful letter and pictures. Alex Kim and his wife Cathy were rest stop captains in Weston that day. When Tim returned after scouting the route with an update of your status, no one was going anywhere until you made it back to Weston.

I was told about your group by Alex that evening after the ride. What you may not know is the tremendous impact you had on our volunteers. It was a fantastic event, an amazing ride and a lot of fun but the reason for being there is to support those who need it most. I scanned your letter and shared it with the team. I want to thank you for your courage and persistence and giving special meaning that day to an entire group of people. You are the true Bad Ass and honorary member of the team.

With Best Regards,

Ann Hoffman"

Maybe this is my Blue/White personality coming out, but connections like this are what makes Bike MS so much more than just a fun event. I love it!!! Thank you, Michelle, for starting us on this crazy fun journey 7 years ago!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear TBA,
    You're welcome! Thanks for inviting me.

    the other person that reads this blog
