Well, it has been a month since the big marathon (October 1) and I'm definitely still feeling it. The general soreness was gone by Tuesday but my feet are still sore(ish) and my toes are still numb (off and on). Of course, my hand is always numb for weeks after the BikeMS ride too! It's interesting to compare these two events. Both are amazing, but the marathon (for me) was a much more soul-searching solitary event. BikeMS is a total party. Maybe that's because my sister rides with me but she didn't run with me. Michelle makes any event a total party!
Shortly after the marathon I had the opportunity to write about it for the Rocky Mountain Running Magazine (I will post a link when the November issue comes out) and it was great to be able to try to figure out how to convey the experience in 1000 words. It was also very hard! There are so many stories involved with how I came to run the marathon and how I was able to finish the marathon. The magazine article focuses on the MS journey but there were so many other journeys too. I think that's part of what is so attractive about this kind of physical exertion: having a physical reminder of our unconquerable spirit.
I'm now a marathon missionary. I want everyone to have as cool an experience as I had! I can't imagine living life without ever having experienced that! It was one of those experiences that truly feeds your soul. Plus I built up some really strong legs. I love that! Can't wait to run it again!